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Processing the Pay Period

Applies to ShopClock and ShopClockPlus Processing the pay period is all downhill after the Status Ba has be used to clear all the time off requests, clockout errors, and call light issued

Processing the Pay Period and Passing the Data to the Payroll Package is Easy.

 Start at the top with the Pay Period Ending date and work your way down to the bottom (its downhill)

  The pay period processing window

The Pay Period Ending Date  

In ShopClock, pay periods are defined by their ending date. All of the time card data which has not already been processed up to and including the Pay Period Ending Date is processed as part of the current pay period. If your pay period is weekly, then do pay period processing once a week. If it's biweekly, then do it every other week and so on. You can select the Pay Period Ending date by editing any of its three fields (month, day, and year), but it's easier to open the calendar by clicking on the drop down button and then clicking on the desired date. Processing does not have to be done on the same day that the pay period ends. It can be done then or any time after that date.

 For Which Employees ...

Decide which employees you want to include in the report. You can select the current employee by clicking on the Selected Employee button, or All Listed employees by selecting the radio button. See the Add/Edit/Select employee section for details on how to select a group of employees

Apply the Auto Lunch Settings

The will insure that the Auto Lunches have been correctly inserted

Report Options

You can choose the way you want the data to be formatted:

  • Decimal Hours (0.00)
  • Hours and Minutes (0:00)
  • Hours, Minutes, and Seconds (0:00:00)

Choose which signature block (if any) that you want to use..

  • The Little Signature Block has a place for the employee to sign indicating that the time card has been examined and is correct.
  • The Big Signature Block has a place for both the employee and the supervisor to sign

Hide the Wage column

If this option is selected, the wage column will be left off of the reports.

Select the First Day of your Work Week

In order to calculate overtime, ShopClock must examine the entire work week even if part of it belongs to a previous pay period. This happen almost all the time when using Monthly or Semi Monthly pay periods.

Select your Overtime Calculation Method from the Drop Down. ShopClock supports the following overtime rules

  • No Overtime is calculated (use for employees being paid on commission).
  • FLSA Over 40 hours a week is overtime
  • Basic California Rules (Pyramided).
  • Basic California Rules (Non Pyramided).
  • Ontario rules (Over 44 hours per week is overtime).

 Print the Desired Report(s)

After clicking on any of these buttons, ShopClock will ask if you want to preview the report. If you answer yes the report will be displayed on the computer screen (from there it can be sent to the default printer). If you answer no, you don't want to preview the report, ShopClock will ask which printer you want to use.

Do Time Cards with Page Breaks between employees, starts each employee on a new page. this report looks the nicest and is best if you are going to hand out the reports for the employees to sign.

Do Time Cards without Page Breaks starts each employee immediately following the previous employee without first starting a new page. This report saves some paper, but does not look as good. and is difficult to hand out to the employees for signatures.

Summary Report (for All Listed Employees) prints a one line summary of the total hours worked including any overtime earned and Managed Time taken. It is a very good "Final Report".

 Export Options

This is the section to use if you are exporting the data so it can be imported by some pay roll package like QuickBooks or SurePay.

Select the kind of data you want to export from the drop-down and the location where the data file should be saved by clicking on the three dot button at the end of the Export To: Row. The location where the export file will be saved os shown to the right of the Export To:

When you are ready to export the data just click on the export now button.

Closing the Pay Period (the final step)

After all the reports have been printed and the data has been exported close the pay period by clicking on the Close Pay Period Button. The Pay Period will be closed for the employees chosen in the For Which Employees section. If needed closed pay periods can be reopened when examining a closed pay period.

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