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How ShopClock Clients Connect to the Server

ShopClock clients look for an active ShopClock server the first time they are started. If it finds the server it connects to it. If not ...

How to Connect ShopClock Clients to the ShopClock Server

 When ShopClock is started for the first time it looks for an on-premise network server. If one and only one is found it attaches to it, displays the employees and is ready to use.

If no on-premise server (or more than one is found), ShopClock defaults to its local database and starts an evaluation period. The local database, ShopClockDB.sdf, is a Microsoft SQL Compact database. It is copied from the Program Files/ShopClock folder to its working folder when ShopClock first starts. The location of the local database varies by OS version but is listed in the "Help/About" ShopClock window. ShopClock must always have read/write access to this folder. Single computer ShopClock subscriptions use only the local database.

If ShopClock failed to connect to an existing on-premise server, Open the admin window by clicking on the Gold Padlock. The password is probably the number 1. Then click task 14 Network Setup.


Then click on the Use Network Server button and Refresh the Server List.


If more than one ShopClock server is found, select the correct server and click on OK. If only one server is found, click on OK.

If ShopClock can’t connect to the selected server it will treat it as a new database and ask for the password used when the server was installed. Just click Cancel and ShopClock will default to the local database. In this case: